Symposium I
Symposium II
Exhibition / 52-Hour-Lab
Jean-Baptiste Joly
Vorbemerkungen zu
»Dealing with Fear«

Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht
Since When and Why Are We Afraid
of the Future?

Bertrand Bacqué, Ingrid Wildi Merino
Beetween Fear as a Spectacle
and Interiorized Fear

Vadim Bolshakov
Genetic Roots of Instinctive
and Learned Fear

David N. Bresch
Von irrationalen Ängsten
zu versicherbaren Risiken

Paula Diehl
Dealing with Fear
The Mise en Scène of the SS
in National Socialist Propaganda

Björn Franke
Violent Machines for Troubled Times

Teresa Hubbard, Beate Söntgen
Home and Fear
An Email-Conversation
after the Symposium’s Talk

Iassen Markov, Stephan Trüby
Temple of Janus 2.0
The 5 Codes_Space of Conflict

Jürgen Mayer H., Henry Urbach
Mind the Gap
A Transcript of the Symposium’s Talk

Matthias Aron Megyeri
Sweet Dreams Security® Est. 2003
Notes from an Orwellian City

Jasmeen Patheja, Hemangini Gupta
Fear as Experienced
by Women in Their Cities

Ortwin Renn, Andreas Klinke
Von Prometheus zur Nanotechnologie
Der gesellschaftliche Umgang
mit Risiken und Bedrohungen

Gabi Schillig
The Politics of Lines.
On Architecture/War/Boundaries
and the Production of Space

Gerald Siegmund, Maren Rieger
Die Another Day: Dealing with Fear

Jens Martin Skibsted, Adam Thorpe
Liberty versus Security:
Bikes versus Bombs

Helene Sommer
High over the Borders
Stories of Hummingbirds, Crying Wolves,
and the Bird’s Eye View

Yi Shin Tang
Dealing with the Fear of Abuse
of Intellectual Property Rights
in a Globalized Economy

Margarete Vöhringer
Keine Angst im Labor
Nikolaj Ladovskijs psychotechnische
Architektur im postrevolutionären Moskau

Susanne M. Winterling
Dealing with Fear: an Inside
and an Outside Perspective

Photo Gallery

Jasmeen Patheja, Hemangini Gupta
Fear as Experienced by Women in Their Cities

Fear of being violated on the city streets is often camouflaged or concealed by “appropriate behaviour.” Mothers warn their daughters about what to wear—it must be “respectable;” women cover themselves with shawls and stoles; middle class women do not take public transport if they can help it; young girls need male escorts at night. Fear is mitigated or mediated by denying the city: covering up the body, choosing to walk on the side of the road with no men; the ladies’ special bus; the “safe” mall over the bustling street market.

Blank Noise is a volunteer led community arts collective based in India that addresses the issue of street sexual violence/“eve teasing.” is a living, growing, and evolving document of the project. Besides being an announcement space, it also creates room for debates and discussions centered around women’s experiences of their cities. It also invites the women to be Action Heroes by sharing testimonials of street sexual violence as experienced by them. Their stories of everyday street resistance are archived at this blog

A substantial part of the project has been devoted to documenting women’s responses to the city. These responses are shaped by ways in which women imagine themselves and link inextricably back to notions of “acceptable,” often “feminine” or “feminised” behavior and that which is believed to be unreconcilable with this femininity.

Fear—that which is experienced when one senses danger. Danger is that which causes harm. Cities and its public spaces have typically been unsafe and dangerous for women. The city is comprised of strangers and “strange bodies.” Strange bodies are constantly coping with the presence of another alien body. The victim’s body has a memory that has been transferred through the act of re-telling, re-interpreting, and hence re-building the notion of the victimized self. This part of the presentation explores the anxiety filled body. The anxious body is alert, is on guard, and in defense. Regular everyday objects are transformed into weapons of defense. The anxious body is either highly visible, invisible, or camouflaged.

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